eference :
1.       (The Cardiff Giant, t.t)
2.       (Kasai Rex, t.t)
3.       (Fur-Bearing Trout, t.t)
4.       (Jackalope, t.t)
5.       (The Cryptid Zoo: Air Rods, t.t)
6.       (The Ningen: Myth, Monster or Make Believe?, t.t)
7.       (The Ogopogo: A Lake Cryptid You’ve Probably Never Heard Of, t.t)
8.       (Bukit Timah Monkey Man, t.t)
9.       (The Elusive Bunyip: Australia’s Chameleon Cryptid, t.t)
10.   (The Cryptid Zoo: Mapinguary, t.t)
11.   (The Cryptid Zoo: Orang-pendek, t.t)
12.   (Phaya Naga, t.t)
13.   (Kongamato Pterodactyl, t.t)
14.   (Giant Anaconda , t.t)
15.   (In search of Australia’s monster reptiles, t.t)
16.   (Mokele-Mbembe: The Search for a Living Dinosaur, t.t)
17.   (The Cryptid Zoo: Mermaids and Mermen in Cryptozoology: Modern Sightings and Reports, t.t)


(n.d.). Retrieved from The Cardiff Giant: http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_cardiff_giant
(n.d.). Retrieved from Fur-Bearing Trout: http://hoaxes.org/animals/comments/furbearing_trout
(n.d.). Retrieved from Jackalope: http://hoaxes.org/animals/comments/jackalope
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Cryptid Zoo: Air Rods: http://www.newanimal.org/air-rods.htm
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Ningen: Myth, Monster or Make Believe?: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2011/08/the-ningen-myth-monster-or-make-believe/
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Ogopogo: A Lake Cryptid You’ve Probably Never Heard Of: http://monstrumathenaeum.org/the-ogopogo-a-lake-cryptid-youve-probably-never-heard-of/
(n.d.). Retrieved from Bukit Timah Monkey Man: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bukit_Timah_Monkey_Man
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Elusive Bunyip: Australia’s Chameleon Cryptid: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/01/the-elusive-bunyip-australias-chameleon-cryptid/
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Cryptid Zoo: Mapinguary: http://www.newanimal.org/mapinguary.htm
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Cryptid Zoo: Orang-pendek: http://www.newanimal.org/orang.htm
(n.d.). Retrieved from Phaya Naga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phaya_Naga
(n.d.). Retrieved from Kongamato Pterodactyl: http://www.kongamato-pterodactyl.com/
(n.d.). Retrieved from Giant Anaconda : http://www.trueauthority.com/cryptozoology/anaconda.htm
(n.d.). Retrieved from In search of Australia’s monster reptiles: http://weirdaustralia.com/2014/03/16/in-search-of-australias-monster-reptiles/
(n.d.). Retrieved from Mokele-Mbembe: The Search for a Living Dinosaur: http://www.livescience.com/38871-mokele-mbembe.html
(n.d.). Retrieved from The Cryptid Zoo: Mermaids and Mermen in Cryptozoology: Modern Sightings and Reports: http://www.newanimal.org/merfolk.htm

Kasai Rex. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=145176

The Cardiff Giant was one of the most famous hoaxes in United States history. It was a 10-foot (3.0 m) tall purported "petrified man" uncovered on October 16, 1869, by workers digging a well behind the barn of William C. "Stub" Newell in Cardiff, New York. Both it and an unauthorized copy made by P.T. Barnum are still on display. The giant was the creation of a New York tobacconist named George Hull. Hull, an atheist, decided to create the giant after an argument at a Methodist revival meeting about Genesis 6:4 stating that there were giants who once lived on Earth. And the truth have been uncovered that the Cardiff giant was just a hoax...


Kasai rex is an animal claimed to be a carnivorous living dinosaur in Africa. There are conflicting descriptions of it, and the only original reports are suspected by most cryptozoologists to be dubious. In 1932 John Johnson (sometimes spelled Johanson), a Swedish plantation owner, was traveling with a servant in the Kasai valley, in the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo). They encountered rhinoceros, and, while attempting to pass it without detection, were surprised by a large creature rushing out of the undergrowth and attacking the rhinoceros.
Two photographs from the first two sightings are said to exist, each showing radical differences from the other. One shows a creature resembling a large monitor lizard. In this photograph, a white line surrounds the creature it appears to be a cut out from a nature magazine. The other photograph depicts a Tyrannosaurus-like creature eating a rhinoceros. The lames thing ever...hahaha yet another hoax have been proved..


The fur-bearing trout (or furry trout) is a fictional creature purportedly found in North America and Iceland. According to tales, the trout has created a thick coat of fur to maintain its body heat. Tales of furry fish date to the 17th-century and later the "shaggy trout" of Iceland. A taxidermy furry trout produced by Ross C. Jobe is a specimen shown at the Royal Museum of Scotland. it is a trout with white rabbit fur "ingeniously" attached.
There are no real examples of any fur-bearing trout species as this is just a hoax.


The jackalope is a mythical animal of North American folklore (a so-called fearsome critter) described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. The word "jackalope" is a portmanteau of "jackrabbit" and "antelope", although the jackrabbit is not a rabbit, and the American antelope is not an antelope. Also, many jackalope taxidermy mounts, including the original, are actually made with deer antlers. Folklorists these day sees the jackalope as one of a group of fabled creatures common to American culture since Colonial days. Another hoax revieled...hmmm


 "Rods" sometimes known as "skyfish", "air rods", or "solar entities" is a term used in cryptozoology, ufology, and outdoor photography to refer to elongated artifacts in the form of light-rods produced by cameras. Videos of rod-shaped objects moving quickly through the air were claimed by some ufologists and cryptozoologists to be alien life forms, "extradimensional" creatures, or very small UFOs. Subsequent experiments showed that these rods appear in film because of an optical illusion/collusion (especially in interlaced video recording), and are typically traces of a flying insect's wingbeats. So it is a cryptids hoax.

turned up to be flying bugs


        Over the past few years, rumors have circulated in Japan about the existence of gigantic humanoid life-forms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic. Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government-operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen" are said to be completely white in color with an estimated length of 20 to 30 meters. Eyewitnesses describe them as having a human-like shape, often with legs, arms, and even five-fingered hands. Sometimes they are described as having fins or a large mermaid-like tail instead of legs, or even tentacles. The only visible facial features are the eyes and mouth. According to one account, crew members on deck observed what they initially thought was a foreign submarine in the distance. When they approached, however, it became clear from the irregular shape of the thing that it was not man-made... it was alive !!! The creature quickly disappeared underwater....

 photos supposedly to be the Ningen


Ogopogo or Naitaka "lake demon" is the name given to a cryptid lake monster reported to live in Okanagan Lake, in British Columbia, Canada. Ogopogo has been allegedly seen by First Nations people since the 19th century. The most common description of Ogopogo is a 40 to 50-foot-long (12 to 15 m) sea serpent.

 British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker has categorized the Ogopogo as a 'many hump' variety of lake monster, and suggested it may be a kind of primitive serpentine whale such as Basilosaurus. In 1926 a sighting is claimed to have occurred at an Okanagan Mission beach. This event was supposedly witnessed by about thirty cars of people who all claimed to have seen the same thing. Most recently, In 2011, a cell phone video captured two dark shapes in the water.  However, because the physical evidence for the beast is limited to unclear photographs and film, it has also been suggested that the sightings are misidentifications of common animals, such as otters,inanimate objects, such as floating logs.

is it real ?


    The Bukit Timah Monkey Man, commonly abbreviated as BTM or BTMM, is a cryptid said to inhabit Singapore, chiefly in the forested Bukit Timah region. The creature is often cited as a forest-dwelling hominid or primate, and is also accounted for as being immortal. However, its exact identity remains unknown, and its existence disputed.

    Alleged sightings of the animal are rare. Records come mainly from Malay folklore, accounts from Japanese soldiers in World War II, and occasional unconfirmed reports from local residents. The first claimed sighting is said to have occurred in about 1805 and the most recent was in 2007. If the creature truly existed, its living habitat would be markedly small. The Bukit Timah rainforest, its habitation, is 164 hectares (410 acres) in area, amounting to approximately 1.6 square kilometres (0.62 sq mi), and the area is frequented by visitors and park watchers. Reports are also often dismissed as mass hysteria by some experts.

photograph believe to be the BTM.


The bunyip, or kianpraty, is a large mythical creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology, said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes. The origin of the word bunyip has been traced to the Wemba-Wemba or Wergaia language of Aboriginal people of South-Eastern Australia. However, the bunyip appears to have formed part of traditional Aboriginal beliefs and stories throughout Australia, although its name varied according to tribal nomenclature. In his 2001 book, writer Robert Holden identified at least nine regional variations for the creature known as the bunyip across Aboriginal Australia. Various written accounts of bunyips were made by Europeans in the early and mid-19th century, as settlement spread across the country. some experts said that Bunyip may be origined by extinct Australian Megafauna such as Diprotodon or giant wombat.

The mapinguari or mapinguary (Spanish pronunciation, also known as the Isnashi, is a legendary cryptid said to resemble an ape–like creature with red fur living in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil and Bolivia. The name is usually translated as “the roaring animal” or “the fetid beast”.

According to native folklore the creature has consistently been described as resembling either an ape or giant ground-dwelling sloth and having long arms, powerful claws that could tear apart palm trees, a sloping back, reaching heights of 7 feet when standing on its hind legs and is covered in thick, matted fur. Many cryptozoologists are intrigued by reports of this creature, though some have dismissed it as a folkloric/mythologic creature, or a long-preserved folk memory of the giant animals that existed in South America in the Pleistocene.

Orang Pendek or short person is the most common name given to a cryptid, or cryptozoological animal, that reportedly inhabits remote, mountainous forests on the island of Sumatra and also Malaysia.
The animal has allegedly been seen and documented for at least one hundred years by forest tribes, local villagers, Dutch colonists and Western scientists and travellers. Consensus among witnesses is that the animal is a ground-dwelling, bipedal primate that is covered in short fur and stands between 80 and 150 cm (30 and 60 in) tall.

footprint that are found in the jungle by local


The Phaya Naga are nāga, mythical serpent-like creatures, believed by locals to live in the Mekong river or estuaries. Some have tried to explain sightings as oarfish, elongate fish with red crests. However these are exclusively marine and usually live at great depths. People in both Laos and Thailand attribute the naga fireballs to these creature. Many sighting occurs during the month of April which is which is said that the Naga spit fireballs from the river to the sky.

Naga depicted at Buddha's temple


The Kongamato or known as the breaker of boats is reported to be pterosaur-like creature said to have been seen by the local people and explorers in the swamp of Western Zambia, Angola and Congo. It is believe to be a modern day Rhamphorhynchus, a misidentified saddle-billed stork or simply a giant bat. No film has ever been taken and depend from the story from the eyewitness account only.

Frank Mellan have describe in his book the In Witchbound Africa 1923, it living along certain rivers, and very dangerous cause it will attack small boats and anybody who disturbed the creature. Described to have either red or black in color, with the wingspan of 4-7 feet. Members of the local tribe identified it as similar to a species of pterosaur after being shown a picture from Mellan’s book collection.

depiction of kongamato 

Giant anaconda have been featured in many stories and movies. Perhaps the most famous movie about anaconda is in 1997 film Anaconda. Reports of giant anaconda date backs as far as the European colonization of South America when the sighting of giant snake upwards of 164 feet began to circulate amongs colonists. And it have been a subject of debate among Cryptozoologist and Zoologist ever since. The first sightings of giant anacondas were from the time of the discovery of South America when early explorers entered the jungles and claimed that they have seen a giant snake measuring up to 59 feet long. They claimed that they have shot the snake yet there is still no evidence of the existence of giant anaconda. The sighting have been reports ever since...

Varanus Priscus also known as Megalania Prisca or Megalania is an extinct monitor lizard. They also were part of megafauna that can be found during Pleistocene period in Southern Australia. They “seem” to have disappeared betweeen 40,000 – 30,000 thousand years ago. its is similar with the biggest lizard that still roam the earth today which is Komodo Dragon that inhabited Komodo Island in indonesia. Yet, its closest living relative is the Lace monitor. There have been a lot of people claimed that they have seen or encounter with Megalania in the present days. These reports only began after the species was first describe and publicly known, yet there is no scientific evidence of existence of the species.

                              comparison of body size

     Mokele mbembe is a legendary water creature that live in Congo River Basin, sometimes describe as a living creature or as a spirit by local people. It is like the legendary Loch Ness Monster and claimed to be a sauropod by some cryptozoologist. There have been numerous of expeditions mounted hoping to find the evidence of Mokele Mbembe existence but failed. According to the traditions of the Congo River Basin the creature is a large territorial herbivore. It is saiid to dwell in Lake Tele and the surrounding are. Local people describe this creature having and elephant-like body with a long neck and tail and a small head. It is usually describe as being grey-brown in color.

Description of Mokele-Mbembe by local

unknown footprint supposedly created by the creature


    A mermaid is a legendary creature aquatic creature with the upper body of a female an the tail of a fish. Mermaid appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide.  Mermaid are associated with the Greek mythological creature which is Sirens and in biological orders as Dugongs and Manatees. Dugong and Manatees are always being misunderstood by the sailors back in the old days as mermaids. There are many legends about mermaids and even a few dozen historical claims of mermaid sighting. Hundred of years ago, sailors and residents in coastal towns around the world told of encounters with mermaids. Christopher Columbus also had and encounter with mermaid when he sails in searching the other continent.


        Cryptids are animals or plants not recognized by the scientific community or thought it to be extinct but alleged by some to still be alive. Cryptids are, for the most part, creatures of myth and legend, creatures thought to be extinct but which some say may still exist, or animals thought to have have taken new evolutionary paths and evolved from previously existing creatures into new variations.

     In cryptozoology and sometimes in cryptobotany, both associated with pseudoscience, a cryptid is an animal or plant whose existence has been suggested but has not been discovered or documented by the scientific community. Cryptids often appear in folklore and mythology, leading to stories and unfounded belief about their existence. Although Cryptozoology is not considered a real science, it is based on the sciences of Zoology and Paleontology. Many Cryptids probably don't exist, but there is a high possibility that others do